New Parishioner Registration

Every Roman Catholic living in the area is urged to formally register as a member of the parish. It becomes impossible to serve parishioners by issuing letters in connection with sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation or Matrimony if we do not have you registered.

We now have an electronic version of our registration form that you may fill out online.
To complete a New Parishioner Registration Form electronically, click Online Registration Form

If you would prefer, you may print the form and submit it by stopping by the Parish Office during office hours; placing it in the collection basket during weekend Mass; scanning and e-mailing it, or mailing it.
To complete a New Parishioner Registration Form manually click Print Registration Form

If for some reason, you can not do either of the above, you may pick up a paper copy in the office during office hours, or in the Tower Room, before or after Mass.