Parish Life
Organizations in the Parish
Check the calendar or the bulletin for dates and times. Visit our Contacts page for phone numbers and e-mails of those heading up these groups.
Most groups meet either in the school building (follow the covered path from the side of the church to the school door)
or the Carmelite House (610 Nash Street, from the church it is directly across Rountree St.)
Book Club
A group of parishioners meeting at lunchtime one Wednesday a month to discuss good Catholic and Christian literature.
Come for some fun playing Bunco (see bulletin for date and time), in the school. Bunco is a dice game that is very easy to learn and very easy to play. No previous experience necessary. Bring a friend!
Kneady Gals
A group of people who come together a couple times a month to bake and enjoy each other's company.
Knights of Columbus
Council #4660 is an International Catholic Fraternal organization for men of the parish. Membership is open to all men in the parish who are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Their goal is to provide service to church, community, council, family and youth. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the school at 7:00pm.
Prayer Group
A group of people who support one another through prayer. Meetings are held every Monday at 10am in the Carmelite House.
Prime Timers
A social organization for both men and women meeting on a monthly basis. This organization, for those 55 years of age and older, provides an opportunity for socialization and recreation.
St. Therese Women’s Group
This organization gives women of the parish an opportunity to meet and socialize with other women of the parish. They plan or assist with many parish events such as Parish Picnic, Confirmation receptions, Women's Morning of Reflection, Church decorating, Soup Suppers and more. There are no dues. All women are encouraged to join.